twenty4forty8 12.8.22-12.10.22.ind

Work out for 12.8.22-12.10.22

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Difficulty level: 8/10

Special notes: Both movements are going to challenge the shoulders and grips. After the first set of farmers carry take a quick second shake the arms out and then get into the devil presses and go straight through.

Weight: 20-40lbs

Goal: 4-6rds.

Substitute: If you must take a break during the carries then decrease the distance to 50-75 meters.


Difficulty level: 6/10

Special notes: Both movements are going to challenge the shoulders and grips. After the first set of farmers carry take a quick second shake the arms out and then get into the devil presses and go straight through. One person rests for a full round so go fast when it’s your turn. You get a long break.

Weight 20-40lbs

Goal: 8-12rds

Substitute. If you must take a break during the carries, then decrease the distance to 50-75 meters.


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